Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Ain't no stopping him now!

Mason's cast has been off for TWO WHOLE WEEKS and he hasn't been interested in walking until TODAY! It was like all of the sudden, he stood up, and off he went. He was very wobbly, and has a limp, but he had a smile on his face the whole time.

We arrived home from the grocery store around 11am, and I put him down in the living room, I went into the kitchen to start preparing him lunch and he followed me. Then, he just didn't stop! It was unreal! I'm so proud of him! I'm excited to say that he will be heading back to creche next week! His creche days are Tues, Thurs and Fri. I can't decide if I should wait until Thurs so he can get a bit stronger, or if I should send him on Tues... I guess we will see what the weekend brings! I'm over the moon.... A week ago I was scared he'd never walk again (obviously he would)... and now he's unstoppable! WHOOOO HOOOOO

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


It's almost been one week since Mason's spica cast was removed and he has been doing so well! We've even seen a personality difference- so much happier, and his vocabulary has changed as well- he's speaking in full sentences. He just seems so much happier all around! He's a new kid and we are so much happier as well! Even though he's not walking, it's nice to be able to carry him, hold him, bath him normally, etc. Life is so much easier sans the spica cast! As the doctor stated, he shouldn't bear weight on his leg for two weeks... It's been hard to keep him from crawling, and he keeps telling us how he wants to stand up, but we just try to distract him. He's been pulling himself up on furniture as well, which we have been trying to avoid! Oy, but how do you stop and almost two year old from being active?! SUGGESTIONS? Yeah, I don't think it's possible! We've been out and about every day since the spica was removed... we were both starting to get cabin fever! Lots of playdates, lots of swimming, going to the sand pit and playing in the sand, visiting creche, going to music, lots of walks (it's been in the high 60's here- such gorgeous weather!), and just enjoying being able to be somewhat mobile!

Here are a few highlights from the week!

First Babychino after the cast came off

Getting ready to go for a swim with daddy!


Eating dinner in a highchair!

Playing with my friends at creche!

Enjoying morning tea with my friends at creche!

A birthday song for me at music!!!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

It's off!

Mason's spica cast is OFF! He has legs again... He can wear pants again, and best of all... I can hold him and carry him and cuddle him again! AHHHH BLISS!

We arrived at Cabrini at 7am, filled out some paper work and then were admitted around 7:30. By 8am, Mason was in the operating room getting his cast removed! They did more x-rays and everything looked great! The Dr. did however inform us that Mason should bear no weight on his leg for the next two weeks... We should continue to take it easy. This is going to be difficult, but not as hard as the past four weeks have been. At least since he isn't double his weight anymore, we can come and go as we please! By 8:45am mason was in recovery and by 9am was waking from the anesthetic. He was miserable when he woke and cried for about an hour. Finally he settled down, had lots to eat and drink and we were discharged at 11:15. When we arrived home, we gave him a bath and then he wanted to go to sleep. He slept from 12:15 to 3:30pm, and so did I!!! We took it easy when he woke up, but we really wanted to crawl, which I had to discourage. He did enjoying rolling around though! He ate, dinner, played some more, and then took another bath and went to sleep by 7pm! So nice to have my Mason back! looking forward to getting back into the swing of things over the next month!

Here are a few highlights from our day!

Waiting at the Cabrini Children's Center

All ready to go!

Daddy is ready too!

Finally, I can sit again!

Getting ready to take a bath and watching Roary the Racing Car on Mommy and Daddy's bed

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you tomorrow, you're only a day away!

Well, the time has come... I can't believe it! Mason gets his cast off tomorrow! And.... the Doctor just called and they can take it off at 7am instead of 11am, which means we don't have to starve Mason in the morning! He has to fast, starting tonight at midnight... He will be sleeping already, and we will wake him up at about 6:15am, get him dressed and head for the hospital at 6:45am. He usually doesn't eat breakfast until 8:30am so he should be fine! I can't believe the day is almost here! We are soooooo excited! Funny, because when he woke up today, he smelt the worst yet... his urine is really starting to soak through the cast... and I all though as I walked in his room and smelled this awful stench was 'ONE MORE DAY'!

When we come home tomorrow, i'm going to soak him in the bath. I'm assuming we will be laying low all day as well. I will you everyone posted on Mason's walking progress... I'm assuming he won't want to walk tomorrow or have anything to do with moving on his own, but who knows. We look forward to taking him swimming on Friday morning! That should be great for his leg!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

It's been FOUR weeks

It's been four weeks today since Mason broke his leg! Although it has been miserable, I can't believe have quickly it has gone. It seems like just yesterday we were sitting in the hospital waiting to get the x-ray results back. WOW! We are so excited that Mason gets his spica cast off on Thursday. Three sleeps and it's OFF! Buh-bye! We've been prepping Mason for the past few days and have been telling him that his cast comes off on Thursday. We tell him he will be able to walk again and he keeps saying 'no, no, fall down'. He remembers falling down at playgroup, as he does talk about it, but hopefully he will be confident enough and get on his feet right away! Of course, we aren't going to push him though... The doctor says lots of swimming, which we plan to do Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and just to let Mason walk and get comfortable at his own pace. So, that's what we are going to do! We want to thank everyone again for all of your support!

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Well, the countdown is on! Mason gets his spica cast off in one week from today! I can't believe the day will soon be here... It's felt like FOREVER!!!

I have one concern, but I'm not going to complain since this day is two weeks sooner than we thought it would be.... Mason is scheduled to be admitted into the hospital at 11am on Thursday, August 18th. Since he has to go under general anesthesia, he can't eat or drink all morning. Well, for those of you who know Mason, this is going to be a HUGE issue. Mason is always asking for a snack and I don't know how I'm going to distract him from eating from the time he wakes up at 8am till 11am.... HELP! Thankfully Mike has taken the morning off, so I won't be alone, but any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!

Nothing else to report. Heading to creche in the morning for Shabbat. Mason loves going in and seeing his friends!

I'm still in shock that this time next week Mason's spica cast will be GONE GONE GONE!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Nothing new to report... just counting down the days

Nothing new on this front... Just so happy that an end is in sight! It's Monday night here- it's been three weeks exactly since Mason broke his leg, and I'm so happy to report that we only have 10 more sleeps until this whole thing is behind us! We are over the moon that Mase will only be in his spica for four and a half weeks as opposed to six! ahhh... I can really breathe a sigh of relief!

Again, Mason has been such a trooper... I'm just so proud of him, his spirits and how well he has adjusted to this whole situation. I really need to learn from him. I'm the one who has been crying and he has been smiling! I hope he continues to treat these types of situations that he may encounter in the future like this!!!

We have continued to have friends over on a daily basis so we stay busy and Mason is entertained. He's been loving playing with his Bob the Builder toys and Thomas Trains... His scooter has become very popular as well! We have made it work and we are at the final stretch now! YAY!

Thanks again for all of your support!